Beginning of CC automatics

You are at work and starting to feel disengaged from the tasks you have to complete again this morning. Going through your entire mailbox of customer requests, reviewing and recording invoices, writing a report for the monthly update. No matter the size of the company or industry, we saw time and time again during our internships as students that employees performed these repetitive non-fulfilling tasks.

Is Accountancy A Dying Industry?

Accountancy serves to capture, record and report business transactions for a company. While accounting is here to stay in a company, the way accounting is done has changed dramatically. Accounting can be seen as the dinosaurs with new technology taking over accounting processes. Examples such as machine learning that can now classify invoices with fraud detection and automatically generated reports are having a huge impact.

Time to move away from the conversation quality vs speed

How to increase quality without reducing speed. The only way to maintain speed and quality is through automation. Having a human perform checks when the process is going smoothly would increase quality, but takes more time. For a software producing company, the solution to this problem is to use DevOps. DevOps is an Agile methodology that allows for a lot of automated quality control.